The Confluence family tree page
Name List
No Surname, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, [M], N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,
Names |
Born |
Died |
M.J., Ratnam |
born 22 Aug 1937 |
M.V.J., Prashanth |
M.V.J., Vishwanath |
M.V.S., Naidu |
born 5 Sep |
Maiyya, Anantha |
Maiyya, Chintu |
Maiyya, Indira |
Maiyya, Lalitha |
Maiyya, Suresh |
Malla, Chitti |
Malla, Dr Radha Krishna |
Malla, Godavaramma |
Malla, Jagannatham |
born 1897 |
died 1978 |
Malla, Krishna Kumar |
Malla, Kusuma |
Malla, Manju |
born 8 Mar 1963 |
Malla, Narayanamma |
Malla, Pallavi |
born 5 Nov 1996 |
Malla, Poorna |
Malla, Pranay |
born 17 Mar 1998 |
Malla, Ramu |
Malla, Sameer |
born 25 Feb 1991 |
Malla, Satyanarayana |
Malla, Sitapathi |
Malla, Sobha |
born 9 Aug |
Malla, Subhadra |
Malla, Tulasi |
Malla, Venkat Rao |
born 12 Sep |
Mehta, Amay |
born 10 Jan 1995 |
Mehta, Ami |
born 17 Sep 1963 |
Mehta, Dina |
born 9 Nov 1943 |
Mehta, Divya |
born 2 Oct 1952 |
Mehta, Dr Pravinchandra |
born 30 Jan 1929 |
Mehta, Gargi |
born 22 Apr 1971 |
Mehta, Gaurangi |
born 12 Feb 1975 |
Mehta, Gautam |
born 31 May 1985 |
Mehta, Gayatri |
born 14 Oct 1991 |
Mehta, Geetanjali |
born 13 Apr 1993 |
Mehta, Grishma |
born 8 May 1972 |
Mehta, Himanshu Kumar |
born 16 Nov 1946 |
Mehta, Jay |
born 8 Jun 1980 |
Mehta, Kamal V |
born 24 Jun 1926 |
died 13 Oct 1994 |
Mehta, Kusum R |
died 4 Feb 1963 |
Mehta, Mahendra Kumar |
born 14 Aug 1931 |
Mehta, Maitri |
born 28 Oct 1978 |
Mehta, Malati |
born 11 Jun 1932 |
died 1 May 1994 |
Mehta, Mira |
born 29 Oct 1965 |
Mehta, Parag |
born 6 Mar 1969 |
Mehta, Prapti (Capu) |
born 20 Jan 1960 |
Mehta, Puranchandra |
born 16 May 1938 |
died 21 Apr 2008 |
Mehta, Rajen |
born 16 Sept 1950 |
Mehta, Rajool |
born 16 Dec 1951 |
Mehta, Ratilal Manji |
born 3 Jan 1902 |
died 26 Aug 1988 |
Mehta, Setu |
born 2 Jun 1975 |
Mehta, Shakuntala |
born 26 Jan 1936 |
Mehta, Sumatilal |
born 9 Apr 1926 |
died 19 Apr 1996 |
Mehta, Tushar (Ruiya) |
born 16 Nov 1952 |
Mehta, Usha |
born 30 Aug 1931 |
Mehta, Varun |
born 17 Jul 2001 |
Mehta, Vasanth |
born 28 Apr 1923 |
Mehta, Vishakha |
born 14 Jun 1983 |
Modi, Harshad |
born 18 Aug 1948 |
Modi, Kanishka |
born 9 Oct 1982 |
Modi, Sweta |
born 27 Mar 1979 |
Murthy, Ananth |
Murthy, Jaideep |
Murthy, Krishna |
Murthy, Padma |
Murthy, Rama |
Murthy, Rashmi |
Murthy, Shyam |
Murthy, Srinivas |
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