The Confluence family tree page

Welcome to my genealogy web site!

Many hours of work have been put into the research and documentation of these ancestors. I hope you will benefit from the information presented here.

This site is called the 'Confluence' page as I cannot claim it to be the family tree of any one is a coming together of many families.

For convenience I've choosen myself as the starting point. This was not driven by vanity or self-centeredness!

I hope you find your ancestors here, somewhere in the tree (no pun intended)...and if you don't, I hope you'll help me add more 'branches and leaves' to this tree.

I've tried my hardest to present the data as accurately as possible. As there were few written records to refer to, most of the material came from communicating with people.

A lot of people have contributed to the information on this site - my grateful thanks to all of them.

Please feel free to write to me with suggestions, corrections, and most importantly, more information to add to this family tree. These can include photos and videos.

My motivation was to provide an easy reference to my children and anyone who is interested about these families which are spread throughout the world.

From the outset the aim was not to restrict the spread of this it can extend out far and wide!

My apologies for any errors. Please point these out to me and I'll correct them as soon as possible.


The Table of Contents below lists the Pedigree Chart, the Surname List and an Index of Names - you can choose how you want to get to the information of your interest through any of these links.

The Pedgree Chart is centred around me and depending on whether you come from 'my' side of the family or from Prapti's side, you can click your way to your own family from there.

The Surname and Index of Names links take you to lists of all the Surnames and individual names in the family tree, listed alphabetically. You might find this a faster way to get to the group or person of interest.


'Subanna' & Nagaveni with Subanna's grandmother Munia Pati (right) in Ganjigunte between 1956-1958

Table of Contents

bullet  Pedigree Chart for Dr Anil Subramanya
bullet  Surname List
bullet  Index of Names

Contact Information

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Anil Subramanya

Copyright © 2006-2009 Anil Subramanya.
This material is free to distribute, without changes, as long as this notice remains intact.
Please send any follow-ups, requests, comments, questions etc to